Monday, June 9, 2014

trader joe's plus your own back yard

I absolutely love putting together floral displays.  I usually go to Trader Joe's (everyone's best friend) and pick up an array of whatever they have on hand that looks inspiring, then go out into my own yard and cut some trimmings from anything out there.  I've used clippings from our olive tree, bougainvillea, oleanders, or any other greenery that seemed like it might add a nice touch.  My daughter Christine has a lovely eye for putting florals together, so I asked her to help me throw something together as an example...

The trick to putting flowers into any odd container you feel inspired to use, is to find a vase that will fit into the pot, basket, box, etc. that you are using and then try to cleverly hide it (as I also did here)...

Simply mix in the flowers with the greens from your yard and evenly spread them around and over the edges of the basket to hide the vase that is inside...

And, there you have it.  It looks like a basket of collected flowers, but they will stay fresh in the vase hidden inside.  What a happy little bundle to have in your home or give to a friend!